Ryann this was so beautifully written! You really have become a Londoner - your recs are immaculate and it seems you really got the soul of this city, especially fashion wise. As an immigrant myself, I totally get how you are feeling. London can give you everything and still leave you so very lonely at times. It can be incredibly tough.

Wishing you all the luck of the world for your new chapter!

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Thank you Giulia! It’s been the longest I’ve lived anywhere after college so it will still be a home in many ways. Leaving makes me even more committed to cultivating a strong community and all the other things I did or didn’t have in London in my next move!

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Good luck in this next phase Ryann! Saying goodbye and moving countries is one of the hardest things to do, but it’s also so exciting. I’d love to read more about how you adapt to moving back to your home country after so long away. As someone who has moved a lot, I personally find the hardest moves are the ones when I’m moving back to Spain — it’s surprisingly where I feel the most grief and out of place as I arrive and try to settle in. It’s such an interesting paradox for me, and I always love to hear about other people’s experiences with this! I’m currently also navigating moving back to Spain from the Philippines (or maybe move somewhere new, still debating). Sending love! Xx

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Thank you Bea! That’s so interesting to hear - I’m trying to allow my body time to adjust and get excited for new experiences all over again. I’m sure as I go along I’ll be noting things to adapt to!

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